Friday, January 1, 2010

oh, the holidays....

I did not stick to a healthy eating plan over my trip to Omaha. I am convinced that Chads mom is one of the unhealthiest cooks ever...and, to make matters worse, we were snowed in and I couldn't make it to the store to pick up some healthy alternatives. O'well. I am back in action today. I am not weighing myself this week because I am sure all the sugars and starches have made me regain some of the weight, weather in true mass or just water retention. Either way, I am giving myself a week to get it together again. No more traveling for atleast 3 months, so I will have plenty of time to stick to my plan of working out and eating healthy. I was on a roll, until the holidays hit.

1 comment:

  1. I am going to try to eat very "clean" during the week and then allow semi normal weekends. I really have to focus on making small changes and not being miserable or I will NEVER stick with this :)
